Nuit Blanche 2014: An actual instagram installation
Every year Nuit Blanche (which stands for All-Nighter and not ‘white night’) comes and goes …like all nights I guess. Anyways, I figured I’d have some fun and as a tribute to all the artists that put together cool stuff for the evening, that I’d have my own “fleeting art” installation ..virtually ..through my instagram account. Yeah. Really, I just thought of the silly idea while passing the time, waiting for a few friends to show up at Nathan Phillips Square.I decided to post a picture that I took with my phone (sony xperia z1 compact) and upload the first one for 2mins, the next for 3mins, and so on.
Why? Meh, I dunno. Probably ‘cause I’d forget to leave it there if I left it for too long. Why not leave it there? Meh, I dunno. Probably ‘cause I don’t want to spam everyone and I’m not that witty to come up with a creative caption for each image like I usually do. (nor did I really have time) I still wanted to actually enjoy the event and not be on my phone the whole time - though to those with me, it probably seemed like I was on there more than usual anyways. Probably the first time I’ve actually ‘insta’grammed in.. a year (last nuit blanche actually).
I did this throughout the night at various installations we visited and tagged my stuff #FleetingArtExhibit ‘cause it wasn’t taken yet and because I wanted to be cool and have my own tag (temporarily). I did take photos with my real camera but it was fun shooting stuff with my phone and really seeing what this little camera can do in low light These were all taken in the 20mp mode and edited with vscocam for those who want to get into specifics.Man, this was just supposed to be a ‘short’ post to just show the phone pictures I took last night… gah. Well, long story short. Photos. Look. thanks.