Sometimes I feel like going back to an era that I’ve never lived through before. There are glimpses of the city that are timeless enough that it baffles me each time I think about what has passed me by. What I wouldn’t give to go back to a somewhat simpler time, when people actually use their phones to call people or when facts weren’t so blurry because we actually memorized things instead of googling them.
I’m find that I’m drawn to the layers that occurs within the reflections I pass by each day. Whether it’s a symbol of vanity, complexity, or simply my inability to focus on simplicity, I just seem to see the world better this way. On top of being less obvious to the average bystander as to who or what I’m taking photos of exactly, I suppose it also brings new meaning to the concept of having eyes in the back of my head.
Sometimes in brighter conditions I wish that my eyes could manually stop down to the aperture of my choosing so I can see the world in absolute means instead of the subjective which is its natural tendency. I suppose having auto-exposure compensation takes the guess work out of it, but maybe if we practice tuning out the distractions as we do with selective hearing, perhaps selective seeing is human technology that’ll be readily available in the not too distant future. Besides, Darwin's evolutional lens roadmap would be greater than any brand manufacturer and with a literal lifetime warranty.
There was an article a while back bringing to light how the advent of colour grading in cinema has made the combination of teal and orange a popular palate in movies. While clearly over-done (as are photos of escalators), it’s not *that* far of a stretch from what can be actually scene (see what I did there?). However if one were to start seeing JJ Abrams lens flares on a frequent basis, I’d probably say that you either need to get your eyes checked or get ready to jump from the eminent explosions or monsters looming behind.
I find that the ones that have the least to say, also have the least negative things said about them. Speaking one’s mind shines a specific spotlight or casts a certain shadow. Instagram is yet another vessel to carry mixed messages and interpretations are subjective at best. If there was such a thing as a translator for things that are left unsaid, then that guy who does video sign language interpretations would soon have cross fit as a skill set in their resume.