My Interview On The Hashtagged Podcast
Last month I was interviewed by Jordan Powers for his Hashtagged Podcast where he talks with some influential intagrammers and finds out more about what makes them tick on a personal level. If you haven’t had a listen yet, you can check it out here. Then check out the rest of the post for some more info on that experience…

Far be it for me to consider myself an ‘influencer’ as I simply think that I’m just another street shooter out there trying to get my work seen through a platform like instagram but I guess some people might want to hear what I gotta say. Honestly, I thought I’d be more interesting than what I came across in the podcast but maybe I just think too highly of myself in that regard ;) Talking about one’s self is pretty inorganic and I find it super difficult to come up with responses about why I do the things I do when it comes to street photography because I’m really still trying to figure it all out myself.
You’d imagine that being interviewed for a podcast is as simple as talking to someone on the phone but in this day and age, who really talks anymore without the aid of mashing a bunch of letters on a screen? I learned very quickly that having the luxury of the backspace button and having the ability to rephrase things after the fact is something I took for granted. That said, it was an experience that taught me that I’m not as good a speaker as I thought I was and I probably should stick to writing where run-on sentences and outdated cultural references are hopefully the only cringe-worthy aspects besides thinking back to a time when people thought Queen was ripping off Vanilla Ice…
It’s interesting to hear how much you over-use certain words and it’s certainly an eye-opener (or ear-opener) to hear these certain aspects of your speech become more pronounced even when you’re certain that you’re not being redundant in your phrasing. ‘fo certain.
Either way it was a cool experience and if I ever do this again, I’d better have some better stories to tell :)
Oh and for those who are curious about the puppy (who you might have heard barking in the background of the interview) this is him:

His name is Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen (based off a Simpsons reference - Renier Wolfcastle’s bratwurst). He’s a long-haired miniature dachshund *insert long hairy wiener joke here*
and yes he’s got his own instagram account 😉
Like all things photo-related, there’s things that hit the cutting room floor and don’t get aired due to time constraints or simply because they’re not that interesting. Luckily, I happened to hit the record button on my side as well just so I could listen to myself have a weird one-sided conversation (I could hear Jordan on my headphones but couldn’t record what he was saying). By doing so I’m able to share with you some of my omitted thoughts on why I write such long-winded captions, what I really think of instagram-esque compositions, and the concept of likes. Feel free to have a listen here.
Lastly, I recommended a few accounts to follow but of course there’s more links I would’ve loved to share with you so below are an extension of these suggestions: My friend Karl Edward’s website on things street photography related
@_streetrob: Rob Kubaink aka @spongerob_’s street-focused account
@egonprczybylsky/@alter.egon: Andre, the other kind friend to drop everything and meet up with me in Hannover.
Sakura Love: Ying Tang’s Flickr feed
@tobisaenger: A kind instagrammer who showed me around Cologne.
@trilastiko: Another kind instagrammer who showed me around Cologne.
@shackette: An instagrammer in Dubai who connected me with the German IGers so I had friendly faces to show me around.